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The fact that that the strata managers are are charging a fee for this means that their contract allows them to charge for work over and above their ordinary duties (which will not include an unlimited number of meetings). There is nothing unusual or unfair in this charge, per se. The fact that you have been told about this is either simple transparency or a not very subtle form of bullying by members of your body corporate committee.
But, hey, if they were so keen to avoid these payments they should have done something about the lights, so don't worry about it. Make it clear at the meeting that if you don't get some satisfaction over the lights that you may well pursue this all the way to Consumer Affairs, which will cost them a few more bills from your strata managers (two can play that game!).
This is a problem that's caused by a common property light installation and it's up to them to fix it. The light may be needed for safety or security reasons but residents have the right to sleep peacefully in their own homes.
However, explain to your committee members that you are prepared to listen to any compromise solution that allows you to sleep at night – inexpensive motion activated sensors on the lights, for instance, or black-out blinds for your windows – either of which would be a lot cheaper for everyone, both financially and in terms of time and emotional energy, than fighting this through the CAV system.
Realistically, there may be a point where it makes more sense for you just to give up the fight and put black-out blinds over the windows. Keep this to yourself, but being involved in a long and bitter dispute with your neighbours can be debilitating and distressing, especially in a small block, and if you don't have the stomach for it, can destroy your sense of “home” quicker than having a bikie gang move in next door.
Only you will know where that 'surrender' point is, but until you reach it stand firm. The Consumer Affairs Victoria website is HERE and their guide to strata living can be downloaded HERE.