
    Am hearing you bpositive!  I don't want to pay for other owners either.  Something needs to be done.  An owner can make a change on the sly and then say it was always like that and the OC should pay.

    Our complex was an off the plan job.  The original owners could pick their paint colours, floor coverings, taps, tiles, fixtures etc.  So, what was in where when?  The OC wouldn't know what was originally there.  Therefore they no one would know if a change had been made in a unit.  It's not like we all had white tiles on the floor and beige on the walls!

    Owners want to OC to be responsible and replace/repair fixtures in their units, but they also what the ability to change/renovate the same fixtures/tiles etc without notice or permission.  It frustrates me – you can't have it both ways. Either you are responsible so can change then if your want (proper notice notwithstanding) – or the OC is responsible and you have to jump through all the hoops to get change done!

    For your owner with the floorboards, I do believe that floorboards are covered by strata insurance (as they cannot be taken with you when you move unlike carpet?!).   Found that our SM had been arranging floorboards repairs/replacement with our insurance by accident as they never bothered telling us what they were doing.  So try your strata insurance first before your OC spends anymore money.