
    Unexpected Leigh said

    Come on Jimmy, lawyers and strata manager experts. What hope is there? What can be done?

    OK, Leigh. If you look a few posts up, there's an reference to a by-law that, I'm assured, takes care of all these problems, including retrospectively, according to the lawyer who drafted it.

    Asking why the CTTT didn't do the right thing is like asking “how long is a piece of string?”  The CTTT is a deeply flawed organisation that has been moving steadily away from its core principles, which were to provide a simple, fair and low-cost forum for the hearing and adjudication of strata disputes. 

    Today is the last day for submissions to the State Government on what should be done with it in the great wash-up of tribunals that's a-coming.

    Personally, I'd scrap the waste of time that is mediation and replace it with a three person committee of a strata manager, a strata lawyer and a former EC office-bearer and then if the loser of the case wants to appeal, there is a fixed set of costs that they have to pay should their appeal fail.

    But this case is a very good example of how the 'nod and a wink' form of EC management only really helps the selfish, greedy and lazy at the expense of people who are often sneered at for trying to do things properly.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.