
Hi Lexi

Firstly, can I suggest you look up a video on Youtube entitled “Building Blox”. This is a video by Ross Taylor who is a building consultant and is an excellent way of understanding why balconies leak. 

Secondly, responsibility for maintenance and upkeep of the balconies and door is contingent upon the strata plan. It is usually the case if the strata plan was registered after 1 July 1974 that balcony doors and windows are the responsibility of the owners corporation.

Finally, the completion of such rectification work does not change who is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the balconies and door.

Enacting a new by-law may however, change these responsibilities.


Chris Kerin

Partner – Building Defects

TEYS Lawyers
The Strata Law Experts
02 9562 6500
Suite 73, Lower Deck
Jones Bay Wharf
26-32 Pirrama Rd
Pyrmont NSW 2009

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