
    A statutory appointment is where the strata manager has been appointed by an adjudicator in response to an application under the Act.  You see that where a strata scheme has been badly mismanaged and the manager is appointed to make all the decisions for the scheme.  The effect is that the owners have no part in the decisions made for that scheme.

    Now if the strata manager has been the manager for 20 years I would venture  there isn’t a snowball’s chance in hell that he has been appointed by an adjudicator.  Those types of appointments simply can’t last that long.

    It may be that the terms of the manager’s appointment delegate all the functions of the owners to him, but that is very unwise.  As Jimmy suggests I think you should start by asking for a copy of that agreement.

    Also – in relation to your question about the general meeting, the fact that only the members of the EC were in attendance doesn’t matter, it was a general meeting, not an EC meeting so they were there in their capacity as owners at a  general meeting.  The decision was a decision of the owners, not the EC.  Note that if you were all voting at the GM on the carpet matter that indicates that the strata manager is not a statutory appointment, because otherwise he would be making that decision.

    It sounds to me like you need to get rid of this person as soon as possible.