Sir Humphrey

    PS. if the wiring does need maintaining or repair and it is a lot owner’s responsibility, the OC might be able to require the lot owner to bring it up to scratch. OC rules (AKA by-laws) often state that a unit/lot owner must repair and maintain the lot in good condition. 

    I would suggest that if all the lots or a subset of lots all need the same work, then it might be in everyone’s interest for the EC to tell everyone that you are looking into the matter, that it appears to be a lot owner responsibility, that owners will be required to do the work if advised that it is necessary maintenance, that the EC will obtain quotes to do all the work at once so that there will be an economy of scale to save each lot owner some money, while ensuring a safety upgrade is uniformly applied for the whole building. I would check what your legislation says about the OC providing services to lot owners. In the ACT there is a section of the Act about the OC agreeing to provide services and then billing for it.