
    Hi Dech… I only wish this was all over but unfortunately the saga continues. 

    As Scotlandx pointed out as this is original parquetry it is common property as per the common property memorandum on the fair trading website. The complication here is that none of the owners in the scheme were actually aware of that fact and so 9/12 have already replaced their old floors at their own expense. 

    This particular owner is non resident and has always avoided spending money of their unit if it’s at all possible. It still has its original kitchen and bathroom, where as most others have been renovated. the tenant had actually been complaining about the floor for a while but after the stormy week the owner saw her opportunity to claim on strata insurance. It was only 6 weeks later that she discovered it was common property herself and started insisting the OC replace the floor. As th OC contend her actions damaged it the request has been refused.

    we finally had our mediation session a few weeks ago and sadly that failed too. We are waiting to see if she opts for the tribunal. Since she has been called out on several inconsistencies and “inaccuracies” in recollections [lets not call them lies… such a harsh word] were not sure what’s going to happen next. She is still holding the OC responsible for lost rent. The OC also made a good faith offer just to resolve the dispute that was refused. Balls back in her court.