
    Firstly, as good a place to start is Strata Living, the Fair Trading handbook which you can download as a pdf HERE.

    I can't give you an estimate of costs because Strata managers traditionally don't like two-person strata plans and may factor that in to estimates.  There's a lot of irresistible forces meeting immovable objects in two-unit complexes and there isn't a lot of money around because of the small size of the strata plan.  Basically it comes down to less money for more hassle and that's not bargain in anyone's book. 

    There are two strata management companies that sponsor this website (which if nothing else shows they are highly intelligent people).  Strata Associates actually run my building, I've known them for years and they are great. Strata manageIT who have an ad on the forum page are a full-service SM firm too, but they have a flexible online component that allows you to use them as little or as much as you need to and pay accordingly.  Certainly in the long term they might offer a solution that fits your bill.

    The resetting of the Unit Entitlements can be fairly easily done by unanimous agreement.  Get a surveyor in and get their expert opinion.  Shifting UEs over to your neighbour will save you a lot of money but will remove the “absolute” power of that 80 percent vote.

    If I were you, I'd sort out the critical issues first – the roof, renovations and water meters – and wrap them up in a package that the neighbour will agree to which includes agreement on redistribution of UEs.

    Then look at a flexible strata management arrangement so you can get help as and when you need it.

    For what it's worth, I think standard SM fees are somewhere north of $200 per unit but I'm happy to be corrected if someone has a more accurate figure.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.