
    If bylaws are being breached then the OC or the SC (if they have had this power delegated to them) has the option of deciding whether to issue a notice to comply and ultimately applying to the Tribunal for the recalcitrant residents to be fined if the breaches continue. This would certainly show an insurer that an OC had attempted to use every means it had available under the Strata Scheme Management Act.

    We’re in a similar situation with unsupervised young children riding bikes and scooters on the main driveway which is actually owned by another strata complex behind ours. It’s not all our common property and we only have the right to drive on it to gain access to our various driveways which branch off it. The Strata Manager has sent on average two letters a year to residents stating that complaints and concerns have been received.  The letters have been largely ignored and as Secretary I have asked our Strata Manager to include an agenda item for our upcoming AGM to issue Notices to Comply to the recalcitrant residents.