

    So the PM is trying to stick you with $1,000 for drying out the carpet plus $2,500 for a new carpet plus $2,587 for water usage arrears = $6,087.

    First, send an SMS back to the PM saying “I do not accept demands for payment delivered by SMS. Please send a hard-copy invoice with copies of all water usage charges for the arrears period to my residential address”.

    Then, go talk to your local tenants group as Whale advised.

    I forget, do you live in an apartment block or villa/townhouse?

    Does the strata scheme have separate water meters for each lot or just a single meter for thew whole building?

    Here is what the current Standard Residential Tenancy Agreement says:


    See clause 11, particularly 11.3.

    Is your old agreement the same?

    If so, the PM doesn’t have a leg to stand on, just like Oscar Pistorius.