
Thanks Whale, I appreciate your quick response. The Applications for Mediation & Adjudication have not yet been written. I fear it may be too late for that.

We requested our SM get their lawyer to write to the Selling Agent (after I received that advice from the SM of my other property) but as NCAT matters are not yet in train the letter may not have had enough bite.  

We do already have some SBLs in our strata (such as for my renovations) and the SBL the renovators have drafted appears to be appropriate/similar in its wording.

I don’t think there is any intention to hold a GM between now and Auction Day (16/4), the owners propose it to be put to vote at the next meeting (Sept) but they won’t be around!

My concerns are thus:

1) If we let it go through with “only” a SBL, what precedent for changing the appearance of the lot are we setting? We are basically saying that anyone can change whatever they like, as long as they do a SBL.

2) I can’t find any mention of recourse/penalty if someone proceeds to do something that was denied at an AGM. I find it staggering that eg. I request permission to turn my balcony into a deck >motion denied >I do it anyway > just write a SBL >all good.


Thanks again for any input. (Receiving third-hand info from our SM’s lawyer is making things a little unclear.)
