
    I can see what you are trying to do here but I’m not sure a motion at a general meeting is the way to do it (although, admittedly, a general meeting is the best chance of getting people all in the one place).

    With that in mind, and at the risk of contradicting myself, perhaps a motion trying to establish a voluntary code of conduct for residents might be the way to go.

    At the very least it would give you the chance to air some of the issues.  your proposed Code of Conduct could be something as simple as this (below).  What do you think?


    1. In the event of a dispute with a neighbour regarding residents’ behaviour, we encourage residents to raise the issue politely, in person, with their neighbour.

    2. If this fails to achiever the desired result, or proves too confronting, we advise residents to write to the strata committee secretary with details of the complaint.

    3.  It is the Owners Corporation’s belief that issues that can’t be resolved amicably in person tend to be exacerbated if they are pursued via direct communication by letter, emails or other methods.

    4. By reporting issues to your strata committee, it gives them the chance to register the complaint and assess if a by-law has been breached and, if so, take appropriate action.

    5. Residents who choose to pursue issues on their own without involving the strata committee should take care not to be in breach of by-laws and regulations related to “nuisance” and the right of owners to the peaceful enjoyment of their homes. 

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.