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Thanks JimmyT,
You are quite right…my next step will be to request the info directly with the Strata Manager when he returns from Christmas/New Year leave.
But to be honest, the Strata Manager seems to just acquiesce/comply with the bullies on the EC ; to expect the Strata Manager to act impartially or ‘honestly’ seems to be beyond their capacity and would certainly make their job harder, so they just don’t do it.
On another note…
Having never been part of a Strata before, in Sydney there seems to be an intense antagonism towards ‘non-residents’, or owners who only spend a month or 2 in their apartment each year. Unaware of local council laws, when I orginally advertised for Short-term stays when I couldn’t get a long-term tenant, the critera was : minimum 1 week, no groups, only families. It is then you find out that apartment neighbours dislike : any noise from ‘strangers’, children, complain of crying babies, despise anybody & everybody…even other owners who they ‘dislike’ for incoveniencing them.
Oh well…welcome to Sydney, I guess…