

    Welcome to my world.  Remember something:  it’s your home, so don’t budge. When I recently remarked that it was exhausting being unpopular a friend replied:  “Hitler was ‘popular.'”

    The difference between the NCAT and Fair Trading is understood.  That said, I had an interesting conversation with a ‘special units’ person at Fair Trading yesterday.  He more-or-less acknowledged that, due to under-funding, unless someone has documentation to support an argument that monies are being stolen from an Owners Corporation, Fair Trading isn’t resourced to really investigate anything. It has been obvious to me for a long, long time that, even though Fair Trading has issued a special reference number our particular NSW Strata building, all my correspondence to them goes down into a bottomless black hole, and I said as much to my interlocutor.  The Fair Trading chap didn’t deny this.  He actually recommend that I not copy Fair Trading on anything, and certainly not write to the Minister.

    And then there’s NCAT – no joy, let alone acknowledge of breaches in legislation from them.

    In fear of sounding like a broken record:  there is legislation aplenty in this State, but just try getting any of it triggered.  If one is looking for momentum and action, start walking to Mars instead.