
    Kathsoo – If I can use my infamous shoe-box analogy……..where that box depicts a Unit / Lot in the Strata Plan with numerous dividers fitted internally to create compartments (rooms).

    Unless your Plan has in the past resolved to create and register a Special By-Law covering the replacement of floor and wall tiles, then (in NSW) convention dictates that the tiles fitted to the inside base of the box and on the inside of the perimeter sides at the time when it was built are the Owners Corporation’s (O/C) responsibility, and those anywhere on the dividers are the Owner’s responsibility.

    Tiles fitted anywhere on the base, perimeter sides, and dividers of the box since it was built (i.e. renovations) are the current Owner’s responsibility entirely, and the O/C’s consent should have been obtained before those replacements were fitted, and must now be if further replacements are now proposed by Owners.

    By the way, any consent that the O/C may give to Owners wishing to now replace tiles anywhere should include a proviso that the on-going maintenance / repair / replacement of those is the responsibility of the Owner from time-to-time of the Lot; just in case workmanship is poor or they use expensive tiles on areas for which the O/C would otherwise be responsible.

    Finally, as Kiwipaul said, the O/C could resolve at a General Meeting to replace tiles that aren’t the originals and/or are on the dividers, but that would be a dangerous precedent in my opinion as that type of resolution only (and infrequently) arises when there’s a maintenance issue (e.g. structural) within the shoe-box that’s affecting the one next door / above / below.

    I hope that this analogy has simplified rather than complicated my reply.