
    In our situation was hoping to find residents in question in breach of numerous bylaws, not just the parking bylaw.  For instance, from the model bylaws which this complex adopted (with a couple of our own), was thinking of:

    Bylaw 2: Vehicle parking on common property without permission.

    Bylaw 3: Obstruction common property from intended use.  Not only the parking, but for residents car washing and maintenance of the lawn area. Also some residents have complained their their bonafide visitors with physical impairment (ie the elderly) cannot walk down our driveway as it is very steep (infact the steepness doesn't meet Building Code standards!).  So they are more than annoyed when other residents constantly park in these limited spots!

    Bylaw 4: Damage to lawns on common property.  The council insists we have lawn, not concrete.  Constant parking has deprived this area of sunshine, let alone the pressure of cars constantly parking there.  Should be empty 50% of the time even allowing for the odd rogue parker.

    Bylaw 5: Damage to common property.  With the lawns dying and the constant parking, the soil is compacted and affecting drainage and the erosion of the top soil has caused an uneven surface, something that our insurer wanted addressed in the past (spent $5000 upgrading visitors car parks to satisfy insurer and council).

    Also Bylaw 1:  The main offenders of parking favor the visitors parking located right under the window of a resident whose bedroom is 4 metres away.  This constant coming and going is bothering this resident especially as the main offenders drive utes/SUVs/V6/V8 cars and sometimes arrive in the middle of the night or rev them up at 5am.  This resident has mentioned on numerous occasions that should the matter of the parking not be addressed may ask for sound proofing/double glazing/privacy film be supplied by OC!

    So thoughts on us hitting these serial offenders with all of the above?  Breaching more than one bylaw in the one instance?  Anyone done similar?