
    I'd be tempted to launch a  “reality check” campaign for all owners. Issue a circular telling everyone that the EC is clamping down on all illegal parking and then spelling out exactly what can be done to rogue parkers in terms of notices to comply and subsequent fines at the CTTT.

    Don't get all legalistic – simple messages such as “There are no three warnings in strata.  The Notice To Comply is what it says it is … failure to obey it will lead to heavy fines at the CTTT.”

    I would also push through a by-law that allowed the OC to impose a management service charge of, say, $200 for each time a Notice To Comply was issued following a vote at the EC.

    If owners want to fight the management fee, they can do so at the CTTT.

    And I would suggest that rogue parkers be “named and shamed” in EC minutes every time they park illegally.

    And I would remind owners that nothing puts prospective buyers off quicker than car park chaos.  Who wants to bay a parking space they may never get to use and where there aren't any visitor spaces because Revhead upstairs has forur cars and one space.

    Nothing motivates strata dwellers more effectively that a tweak of the hip pocket nerve.  Fines, management fees and the threat to the value of their homes should get their attention.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.