Billen Ben

    Are things getting a little out of hand?

    OC instigated fines for parking, OC requested management fees for issuing a notices to comply – are these things really valid because if they are then the 4th level of Govt (Owners Corporations and their agents) have been given too much autonomy in their little kingdoms and Pandora's box is open.

    If these concepts are valid then i would encourage OC's to regulate who lives in their SP's via fines and management fees directed at driving those certain undesirable people out of their little kingdoms. If by-laws can be passed to have fines then why not use the power to manipulate who lives in a SP.

    A by-law that says a $1000 fine for old guys who wear their pants too high – that will get rid of whinging old Jack in unit 7 who constantly writes to the EC about everything the EC is not doing right.

    In another topic on this forum it is stated that OC fines are bluff, even if they are in a by-law.
    Are they bluff or are they legitimate?

    This whole topic exists for the simple reason the strata dispute resolution mechanism is dysfunctional and CTTT are useless; there's ya problem.

    That each and every SP is left to deal with the matter of parking as if they are their own little realm is a failure of a system that does not want responsibility for the problems it has created by being out of touch with the nature of the strata beast.