
    JImmy, Ben, Struggler et al…

    On the subject of Parking Fines, the advice that our Plan received back in 2006 (from a Barrister who at the time lived in the Building next door) was that an O/C cannot legally issue fines under any circumstances. But it can invoice parking fees provided the basis of those can be proven (e.g. photos), that they’re enabled by a registered Special By-Law, and that they don’t purport (e.g. resemble) to be a fine; even brown envelopes are out!

    So after first placing a politely-worded postcard style note (cheap at “Vista Print”) under the windscreen wipers of offending vehicles, that’s what we’ve done, and as I reported in an earlier post, with limited success so far as payment is concerned but with substantially more success in stopping the inappropriate use of designated visitors’ carspaces and those of other residents.

    I’d love to make some constructive comments on those (of Billen Ben) about O/C’s becoming our 4th Tier of Government – but that will have to wait until I have some more time.