Billen Ben

    I like the Vista Print product placement.

    Thank you Whale for a little clarification. The barrister says no fines but as Jimmy says the concept is untested. I tend to agree with the barrister but if it is untested then the barrister is expressing opinion.

    I like the fee idea – it is pseudo paid parking except it cost a lot more than a hungry parking meter. It is like a very short term license over a small piece of common property. It is also an untested idea that is dangerous.

    Just look at the nature of some OC's found in this forum and the concept of allowing them to impose fees is as dangerous as letting them impose fines.

    I would also mention that elsewhere in the forum there is something about sticking things under windscreen wipers (cheap at Auto Barn) being illegal.

    Jimmy loves to talk about the owners empowering things by special resolution but i have some concerns over this type of democracy, it can disadvantage people because they do not have the numbers.

    If fees were by unanimous resolution then perhaps that would be OK but action by special resolution had led to cases where CTTT has acknowledged that this type of democracy can disproportionately disadvantage some people. Generally it works but it has the potential to be misused and that potential has been realised in several CTTT matters.

    I look forward to some comments on the 4th level of Government – in our OC we now have a 5th level; sub committees act as if they are empowered by their existence.