
    Alas, we still also have a few regulars who still try parking in the visitors car park.  And I would like to point out that we have more than ample street parking.  You could park a semi up there.  Infact we did have a resident who drove a truck and had no problem.  And when we had the driveway upgraded, all cars had to be parked on the street and there was more than enough space for all!  And yet, there are those who believe they should be able to use these spaces if they want. 

    Living in a large complex such as yours would be difficult to find the owners of the cars.  Perhaps your EC could ask that all residents submit the regos of their cars for access/security purposes?  Or a name and shame board?  Where you could put up a photo of the car in question saying this person keeps parking in the visitors spot?  

    Our Strata Manager has previously advised us that even visitors have a  time limit in the visitors car parks – 24 hours.