
        The EC are elected to undertake daily management within the budget and any caveats from the OC -passed at a properly convened AGM.  If the work the EC wished to proceed with was not covered by either of the above and the owners did not call for an extraordinary AGM to stop it – then the EC was not doing its job (this is a tad legalistic but going on interventions by individuals etc can lead to where this appears to be going).

        I would think that strictly speaking there is no such thing as a non-urgent repair; if an item of common property is dysfunctional then the EC should meet ASAP and either seek quotes or arrange repair.  If anyone thinks otherwise then an AGM is called for to decide not to maintain this property.  Otherwise a situation can arise where say a broken light/path/etc affects one unit only; EC members don't care and put off repair indefinitely.

       My understanding is that owners cannot sue an EC, they can only sue an Owner's Corp and if they didn't ask for an AGM then they could only sue each other if it's a joint ownership.