
    What happens if an owner will not let someone in to do the work/inspect the area (this problem needs access through the unit)?  What happens if the EC wants to go ahead with the scope of works and see if that fixes the problem and the owners will not let them as they do not like the scope of works?  What is an owners responsibility for their own possessions if they know of a problem that could cause damage and keep leaving items in this area?

    The EC has no problem attending to this problem.  The EC wants to get it fixed.  Is EC required to keep paying for reports until the owners are happy (money that would be better spent on works and further reports if necessary)?  How can the EC go ahead?

    The Strata Manager advised the EC that as this was a non habitable area (being a room off garage with low ceilings, no windows) that it was not classed as urgent repair.  This was confirmed by Fair Trading.  This problem would have already been attended to, if not fixed, if the EC had its way. It would have been possible to see if the works did infact alleviate this problem (there will always be some problems with the basement rooms of these units due to their design/the lay of the land).  The EC could have then had another assessment of the area and tried the next suggested solution.