
    @zorro said:

    6.       There is to be no change in the current external appearance of my lot because the same colour is used.
    7.       For these reasons no consent is required is required from the owners corporation to keep the walls of the same colour.  

    There is a fairly substantial leap of logic between items 6 and 7.  For instance, if this was the first opportunity the OC had to remedy a situation that was created some years ago, 7 does not follow from 6.

    But, yes, take it to NCAT if you feel it merits that level of attention.  I’m just glad that you aren’t going ahead with this based on interpretations based on a few grey areas of strata law.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.