
Hi guys


We contacted our strata managing agent, who informed the owner of the property (and the rental manager) that the tenants were in parking us in. We were happy with this outcome as a first stage resolution process. However, the problem continues to persist.


We have requested to our strata manager that a Notice to Comply is issued. However, he says that this is ONLY possible at a general meeting with ALL the owners. Is this correct? We believe he is being slack and stalling on this matter, to avoid having to do anything.


We do not want to involve all the owners since it is not their problem and doesn't affect them. Additionally, only half the units are owner-occupied, and we do not believe there is any Executive Committee either. Are we not able to directly request a Notice to Comply, considering we have direct evidence (i.e., photographs) of their continual breach of the by-law?


What is the procedure to follow, to request a CTTT involvement (can they issue the notice?).


many thanks again, and we loved the SMH article on the original post!