
    First of all, you could try politely reminding them that they are in breach of the by-laws which (I assume) states they can't park on common property.  They would have received a copy of the by-laws when they signed their lease – but even if they didn't, ignorance is no defence. 

    Secondly, point out to them that by being in breach of the by-laws they are almost certainly in breach of their lease (which will state that they have to abide by the by-laws of the strata scheme).  So what they think is a minor inconvenience to you is clearly a potential major inconvenience to them.

    Meanwhile, you need to ask your Executive Committee or Strata Manager to issue a Notice To Comply.  If they ignore that, they face substantial fines to a maximum of $5,500 from the CTTT.

    By the way, if you have a camera that can date stamp pictures (digital ones will do so anyway, if you've set the time and date) you should start taking pictures to prove this is a real and ongoing problem.

    Having said all that, I think if you politely explain to them that 'it's “tough” on them – if they keep parking there, the will be fined and possibly evicted – they might see the error of their ways.

    And, I might make this my Renters Rant in a week or so, so show them the article in the Herald – if that doesn't fix it, then a Notice To Comply is the way to go.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.