
    Did you know you were moving into a place with only 2 car parks?  And did you know that you had 3 cars?  

    You are paying for a place with only 2 car parks.  If it had 3 car parks, you would have to pay more (and that applies to whether you rent or buy). 

    We have someone here who has moved into a place with only one garage, but he has 3 cars (4 at one stage).  He seems to believe that having more cars than garages means he has a right to use the visitors car spots for free.  What a bargain!  Paying for one car spot and yet getting another couple for free!  

    Whilst an OC can't fine a resident for abusing visitors car parks, I would be happy if residents paid for the extra parking they are using.  This could boost the coffers a bit and that is never a bad thing.

    As for me, I would only the garages that I have paid for and park in the street (which for us has ample parking) and walk the 20 metres inside!