alley cat


    This is an interesting situation.

    1. Ask your managing agent to source a copy of the buildings by-laws. This is their responsibility and should have been provided in 7 days of you signing the lease (

    2. The strata plan will determine whether the parking you are using is considered visitor parking or ‘scramble’ parking as you are arguing it is. Again your managing agent can source this information from the OC / strata manager. I suspect from what you have told us here that all these parks are actually ‘visitor parks’.

    Now IMO you are only paying for the parking that is on your lot, regardless of whether you are an owner or a tenant. You do not have the right to exclusive use of common property which is what you are doing in parking your second car in one of these parking spaces as your parking requirements exceed the capacity of your lot. You wouldn’t live somewhere that did not have enough bedrooms for your requirements, yet it is considered by some, including you, to have more cars than you can park appropriately within the property that you are paying for to be OK and inflict your parking problems on your neighbours.

    I think you should make alternative arrangements, such as leasing a garage off another resident, for your second vehicle.

    alley cat