
    @Kangaroo said:

    Plasteck, by all means post a copy of the By-Laws, but I don’t think the answer lies therein.

    The bylaws state the rules that govern the complex, if the ans doesn’t lie in the bylaws where does it lie.

    Also if Plasteck complies with the EC they have no incentive to provide any information and they can just let the matter drop. Asking for a copy of the bylaws is quite reasonable if they want the tenant to comply with them. If he continues parking within the complex the next step is to issue Plasteck with a Notice To Comply which has to contain the bylaw he is breaking. Then he can comply and no further action is taken.

    A lot of Strata have 2 sets of rules one for the owner / occupier and one for the tenants and I’m totally against discrimination and their should be one set of rules for all that should rigorously enforced against all.

    I’d love to read the bylaw that this strata is trying to get Plasteck to comply with.

    Section 35 of the tenancy agreement requires the landlord to provide a copy of the Bylaws within 7 but doesn’t require the tenant to comply with them which to me is weird.

    So how do you take action against tenants when they haven’t agreed to abide by the bylawsConfusedConfusedConfusedConfused