
Just thought you might be interested in an update – On going issues with access to my property over the past six months however I awoke over the Easter break to find the driveway blocked again with 4WD vehicles however this time they had trailers attached to them with furniture being loaded in…. Still not sure what is going on but have a suspicion that I might be getting new neighbours in the very near future…. Also found out that my neighbours have been running a business out of the townhouse for the past couple of years (not sure if they had the necessary permission from the authorities but they certainly didn’t let the body corporate know)…. Despite having little to no action out of the strata manager for the 5 1/2 years I have been putting up with their cars and boat being parked on the driveway hopefully the end is in sight….I am hoping the townhouse will be sold (I’m currently looking for an investment property)…


Long-time lurker looking for some advice from fellow strata dwellers… I live in a complex of three townhouses – the first unit has it’s own driveway so units 2 (me) and 3 (neighbours) share a common property driveway and we both have a single lock-up garage. The issue is my neighbours continually park one/two/three 4WDs (and sometimes their boat) on the driveway in front of their garage and at the end of the driveway. The problem this presents for me is that I can usually manage to get my car into the garage but I cannot reverse out of my garage with these vehicles parked on the driveway. It is a narrow driveway and although I think I am a good driver I cannot manage to do a 90 degree right-angle turn, which is the only way to get out with the 4WDs parked on the common property – where they park is the turning circle for my access.  Not only do they park on the common property but they permit visitors to park at their front door as well – I have come home to find three, four or five cars parked on the driveway – which means I end up parking on the footpath or neighbouring streets as parking is at a premium in my area. Only once in frustration did I park at my front door which blocked their access in and out of the property – when they wanted to go out they reversed up to my car and blew their horn until I came outside – when I went outside and explained that the only reason I was parked there was because they were parked on the driveway and I couldn’t get into my garage I was told to **** off. I have repeatedly contacted the Strata Manager who has done little and the problem continues – the issue is that I live in a unit owned by my mother and my neighbour lives in a unit owned by her mother – he doesn’t want to get involved . To protect myself I have taken to keeping a record in a diary and taking photos of the offending vehicles (I never thought I would become that type of neighbour) but to date there has been little change in this behaviour – the BC even agreed to allow the owner of the unit to install a gate so that the occupiers could park their second car within the backyard of their property.  This was agreed to as one of the occupiers claimed she was only parking on the common property because she didn’t want to park on the street – as soon as permission was granted and the gate installed they bought a HUGE boat which they now keep in the backyard and they started parking on the drive again.  I am a nurse and work shiftwork so you can imagine the dramas I have trying to get them to move their cars at all hours of the day and night (especially when on call).  All I want is free access to and from my property – it’s not too much to ask and I am becoming very frustrated that my neighbours lifestyle (a small unit with one garage but they have three vehicles and a large boat) impacting on my enjoyment of the property I pay rent for each and every week…. Any advice ???CryCryCry