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Either your mother or you (as tenant) can apply to Fair Trading for mediation (an obligatory precursor to action at the CTTT). Then you ask for them to be issued with a Notice to Comply with the by-law (that I assume you have) preventing them from parking on common property. If they breach the NTC they can be fined.
You might want to think about calling council about the change of use of the backyard into a parking area (or marina, by the sound of it).
But before all that, if you think it's worth it, you can have a quiet chat with them about what your options are and explain how their behaviour will eventually lead to no one being able to park on common property ever. It's entirely up to them. What they do will determine what happens next becasue all you are asking is that your rights as a resident be acknowledged and respected.
Or, if you think they will be abusive, you could get a lawyer to send them a letter giving them one more chance to behave (and that means allowing you clear and free access to your garage .. no excuses and no gradual return to the situation as it is now).
But the truth of the matter is that you could go right ahead immediately and sort them out once and for all – but be prepared for some sort of backlash as these people sound like a bunch of selfish yahoos.
Fair Trading are on 13 32 20, mediation is explained HERE and the form applying for mediation is HERE. Oh, and your strata manager needs to at least explain why they have done nothing.