
    Car spaces are not supposed to be general storage areas and there may be valid concerns related to unsightliness, fire safety and the effectiveness of sprinklers.

    There can also be OC/BC by-laws (rules) that prohibit or restrict storage in car spaces.

    And to note that planning authorities (councils) can have quite strict car parking requirements.  It generally would need council permission to change a car space into something that is no longer is a legal car space.

    While there is an Australian Standard for car space sizes (AS2890.1-2004), there can be state (and perhaps even council) variations of it.

    I’ve never found a requirement about storage and fire safety but note that although there can be sprinklers in modern car parking areas, there are no smoke alarms – not in any of the modern buildings I’ve looked at anyway. So there’s no early warning system like in the other areas of modern buildings.  And a fire would probably be well established before a sprinkler gets triggered. That and the fact that car parking areas are often unsupervised is something an OC/BC should consider.