Dunlop volleys

    Excellent topic I'm been searching for.


    My scenario is my private car space (open) is being used by renters/visitors.

    At the begining, I used to post a note under the windscreen wipers stating “This is a private parking spot  – please do not park here”. with this approach I don't see repeat offenders ( as I know of).

    At my abode there are 16 units, with 4 open visitor parking bays and 2 open private bays (clearly marked), I see new renters come and go and test my parking spot and my radar capabilities. I try to be polite and educate them with a note or if better bump into them for a chat.

    Half the renters in the complex may have 2 car owners, firstly they use the lock up garage and then the visitors spot. If all visitors spots are taken, the others park in the street. My EC had problems trying to deal with the owner's visitors unable to use the visitor spots in many evenings of the week. I don't have that problem with my friends/family using my open spot. Sometimes my good neighbours asks for permission and I'm happy to help.

    I had a gut feeling my open spot was used sometimes whilst I was at work or out for the day/night. i.e. once I seen a dry outline of a car after the rain when arriving home or tyre tracks in the fresh leaves.

    I thinking of getting a self powered electrial bollard which can be controlled by remote (stay in the car) when entering or leaving. The inbuilt battery lasts for 3 months on a full charge. It folds down with enough clearance for parked cars and has overriding sensors if you incorrectly use the remote. Its bright yellow and about a size of a pillow when closed, opened, it's like a pillow on its side. Also there is an alarm for thief or a car coming too close to it when upright.

    The only thing I can visualise a remote possibility are drunks (god forbid) crashing into it or it gets ripped out by tow rope.

    My checklist would be;

    1. EC permission

    2.PLI for the bollard

    3. Bollard signs

    I'm open for any likely problems with the bollard proposal i've suggested.

