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Have a look at this link which shows you your main options.
If the EC are still dragging their heels, you could apply to NCAT for a Section 138 (see below) order forcing them to take action.
UYou can also call police to deal with excessive noise after 10pm on week nights and midnight at weekends. Or you could get noise abatement orders from your district court.
Have a look at this post for more advice. And here is an extract from Section 138.
138 General power of Adjudicator to make orders to settle disputes or rectify complaints
(1) An Adjudicator may make an order to settle a dispute or complaint about:
(a) an exercise of, or a failure to exercise, a function conferred or imposed by or under this Act or the by-laws in relation to a strata scheme, or
(b) the operation, administration or management of a strata scheme under this Act.
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), an owners corporation or building management committee is taken to have failed to exercise a function if:
(a) it decides not to exercise the function, or
(b) application is made to it to exercise the function and it fails for 2 months after the making of the application to exercise the function in accordance with the application or to inform the applicant that it has decided not to exercise the function in accordance with the application