Lady Penelope

    It is not clear where your problem is at …. have your pavers been rejected and are you being forced to remove them and replace them with another type of paver? Have you been issued with a Notice to Comply?

    Is your scheme covered by the NSW Strata Schemes Management legislation, or is it covered by another type of legislation e.g. Community Land Development Act? The reason why I am asking is that there is a stronger dependence on the Community Management Statement ‘rules’ in Community Schemes. Community Management Statements prevail over by-laws.

    If you live in a community scheme and you believe that you have been treated unreasonably and that your committee has not followed the correct procedures about providing you with a Notice to Comply, then you can apply to have the problem Mediated and/or resolved via NCAT.

    This publication (at page 18) explains the options and the process: 
