Ado Q

    Thanks Lady Penelope – I appreciate your answer.

    I should of mentioned that the purchase of the dog has not taken place. The Application was to seek permission to have a pet on my Lot first before I go ahead.

    My animal by-laws are permissive and I’m the only owner-occupier in my complex. If the Flying Minute is not voted on should I go ahead with the purchase and complete another application? Can I ask for another Flying Minute to be issued? Or do I have to wait for the next General meeting?

    My guess is if the Flying Minute is not voted on, then I should go ahead with the purchase of the dog anyway and the Committee can’t reasonably refuse my request as our bylaw is permissive and the previous vote wasn’t resolved. The issue I have is the bylaw says ‘without permission’. So, is it right for me to go ahead with the purchase knowing I don’t have permission but then again my request for a pet has not been resolved.