
    Hi Simone Im the originator of this topic and wanted to say thenkyou for your valued information and advice, and thanks to everyone whose contributed.  Ive been in my unit a year in Sept and OC are still trying to get my 2 small 'old' dogs out, even though Strata have told them in writing that they cant enforce it (I have a copy).  Cant believe the stupidity of some, they must feel a need to spend the unit owners' levy monies.  They were quiet for a few months and I thought they let it be, but it was brought up again at our AGM on 1/8.  In Feb they sent me a Notice to Comply so I contacted Fair Trading and they advised I reply in writing (addressed to the Secretary of the OC) to the Notice in detail, and request a written reply.  I did this but never got a reply from any of the OC members.   We will be going to Adjudication.  Ive kept a huge file full of email communications between OC and Strata (I paid and searched the Strata files personally), and so much more.  After I win this fight Im going to apply to revoke this “no pets” By Law and try and have it changed to Option B still giving the OC an opportunity to modify it in respect of behaviour etc as youve suggested.  I also found the research report from UWS Professor interesting and totally agreed with his notes.  Pets do make people feel happier and healthier…..Smile  I'll keep you informed of what happens at Adjudication so it might assist others.  Lyn