
    Hi Simone, I 'exchanged' contracts on my unit on 4 August 2010 and on 11 August 2010 ByLaw 16 Option C was actually “registered”.  Prior to 11 August the strata block was Option A yet the OC have always classed  the building as having a 'no animal policy' (Ive got a copy of previous Minutes where this has been stated even though Option A was the registered By Law at the time).  Before I purchased the unit there was a small dog in the unit below me and the tenant who was living in my unit, had a cat.  I presumed there was no issues regarding pets.  My question is, legally, because of the change of by Laws overlapping with my exchange of contract date, do I fall under the original Option A or the newly registered by law of Option C?

    Id just like to say I really appreciate your feedback and advice with this and want to thank you for your time.

    kind regards
