Lady Penelope

    The short answer is yes i.e. your Owners’ Corp can restrict the cat to the Lot, unless you are prepared to amend the by-laws to reflect a different attitude towards cats and common property.

    There are lots of ways to allow a cat to experience the outdoors without this including unrestrained access to common property.

    Some use a pet stroller.


    I sometimes take my cat outside for a walk using a cat harness. See here: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/06/25/cat-on-leash-harness-train-cats-walking_n_7656754.html

    Cat enclosures can be installed on balconies with the approval of the Owners Corp or a portable free standing cat enclosure can be used without Owners Corp approval.

    See here for examples of mesh enclosures for a balcony that would need OC approval: https://catmax.com.au/product-category/catmax-enclosure/


    See here for examples of freestanding enclosures: https://catmax.com.au/product-category/catmax-caboodles/
