
    If you have something similar to the default bylaw:

    16. Keeping of animals
    An owner or occupier must not keep an animal unless they have the written permission of the owners corporation. The owners corporation must not unreasonably refuse permission to keep an animal.

    Has she been given written permission, if not submit a motion to the EC or GM such as

    I propose that all pets within the complex that don’t have permission be given 28 days to obtain BC approval as specified in bylaw 16.

    The minimum conditions relating to being granted permission to keep a pet are:

    1. Animal does not cause a noise nuisance (no barking) or smell.
    2. Does not cause any mess anywhere on the common area or areas outside the complex to the front or side of the property.
    3. Dog is kept under control and on a leach whilst on the common property.
    4. Any cat be kept within the lot and not be allowed onto common property or other lots, without that lot owners consent.

    Must comply with all NSW regulations concerning pets

    Any owner given permission but failing to comply with the conditions will be asked by the committee to remove the pet within 28 days.

    Or something similar that suits your requirements. If they have been given write permission without any conditions


    Then you would have to use:

    9. Depositing rubbish, etc on common property
    An owner or occupier must not throw rubbish, dirt, dust or other materials on the common property that may interfere with the peaceful enjoyment of another resident.

    If you have a similar bylaw.