
    We send out endless letters, notices to all residents regarding unauthorised use of common property.  Particularly parking.  We do say each time that you need the written permission of the EC to do so.  Despite about 50% of people parking on common property, there has never been a request from residents to do so. 

    We are quite patient with our residents regarding strata by-laws, despite them hating the EC for “controlling their lives” and not letting them do whatever they like.  When we see someone doing something that is not allowed, we give them the benefit of doubt that this is a one off.  We don't run over to them, by-laws in one hand, notice to comply in the other saying you can't do that. 

    We were quite willing to overlook instances where a resident parked in the visitors car space once in a blue moon.  But it would seem that when they didn't receive any notice for that one infringement, they then parked there on the full moon, half moon, quarter moon etc.  The EC are tired of being mooned.  Give someone an inch they take a mile and ruin it for all. 

    And your right Mr Strata – the car park look is not good for property value.  The complexes around here with cars in the visitors car park and driveway are much, much cheaper than our complex.  Another reason why I believe units in our complex sell the first open day and for considerably more than the asking price (even in this market) is that when buyers come to see, they can park!  Perhaps they  see where their visitors will be parking when they have them over!