
    Cosmo, I actually find the residents who believe they have the space to park outside their garage a bit selfish. Why should they get to use a piece of common property exclusively without cost when those who can’t park outside their garages put in via their levies to maintain common property which, with cars parked there, could have ore wear and tear perhaps than other areas (for example tyre marks, oil stains and damage to garage doors which has happened here when someone parked then didn’t do a good handbrake release).

    In the case of my friend, these cars not only cause problems getting around them, but there are cars parked there when he goes to work and when he comes home, so he doesn’t get to use those areas, can’t use the space infront of his, so why shouldn’t he feel that it isn’t right? If people want to use it, they should have to pay more! And I believe that if you allow someone to use common property just because you can, then you open a can of worms because everyone will use some common property without permissions or cost and you might find it difficult to take one to task when you haven’t questioned another. That is exactly what I indeed to do to my EC if they pull me up when they haven’t bothered with anyone else.

    Am all for common property being used if the user pays for the privilege.