

These shutters on balconies are a serious problem with many of the new strata buildings, in that the are typically accessible through the individual apartment, may be inside the lot as defined by the strata plan, or outside the lot, but are affixed to the building so mostly are deemed common property, but you need to check for any exclusive use by-laws.

A lot of the time the suppliers of these louvers don’t stay in business for long, so getting parts for them is a real issue. The companies in many instances are not licensed for doing residential building works, per the home building act.

Any warranties on these louver systems contain conditions regarding regular periodic maintenance being carried out, and if it’s not done, the contractors deny any warranty claim, even if they have failed to complete the maintenance under a contract with them, due to the issues of access into individual apartments.

If the louvers are not working as they were when they were originally installed, they are broken.

In most instances these louvers are considered common property, so that they are kept well maintained, preventing issues with the external appearance of the building.

Mr S