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I don’t know what the situation is in NSW but in QLD the ‘Act’ (the BCCMA) does not provide for a separate rule-making process other than the making of by-laws. The Act and the Standard Module provide the means by which rules governing community titles schemes are to be made, and that is the by-law system.
Committee’s ‘house rules’ are unenforceable. Therefore any committee rules about CCTV are also unenforceable.
The system is based on lot owners having input into the rules under which they are governed, by way of voting and resolution rights. The system requires transparency, so that all owners and potential purchasers are aware of, and can contribute to, the by-laws under which a scheme is governed. Any rule not made in compliance with the by-law regime established by the Act and the applicable regulation module is enforceable and beyond the scope of the Act.
House rules are not enforceable unless they are registered as by-laws in the CMS. By-laws do not take effect (in other words, are not enforceable) until the CMS is registered with the Titles Office.