
    I agree with Jimmy – the Act sets out specific requirements for EC composition and procedure, you can’t override that with a by-law.  Any decisions made in that way could be challenged.

    Re the resolution that “any owners present at a meeting be invited to vote on any item on the Agenda” – this simply doesn’t work.  If the EC is made up of 6 members, then the number of votes required to pass an EC resolution is determined by that number.  If you have a situation where other owners present are invited to vote, some may vote, some may not – how would you then determine what the number of votes would be to pass a resolution?

    You can’t declare an EC meeting to be a General Meeting – different requirements for notice and agenda apply to the two types of meeting.

    As a general observation, a smaller EC is more effective and ideally an odd number of EC members is preferable, so you don’t have a tied vote.