
    I live in a block of 63 units, where cats, fish and birds are already

    allowed on the strata by laws.   We have recently had issue with an owner

    who brought a dog to the block, and claimed it was a companion dog, but the

    said dog barked incessantly.    Even though the block covers a large area,

    it was surprising and alarming to be quite some distance from the unit the dog was in, but to still be able to hear it barking inside my home with the doors and windows closed.

    The dog was removed under a lot of pressure, but through all the correct processes.  To think that people can now have the by laws changed like your article seems to be saying, is of concern.  I made the effort to check the by laws before purchase and purchased on a number of grounds the major one

    being no dogs…..   Why should I (and others who purchased because of this

    condition) feel compelled to sell and move elsewhere, when the owner concerned could get a cat anyway?

    It seems to me to be a crazy situation.