
    The OC is not obliged to take any action re noise and unfortunately, individual owners won't support you unless they are directly affected by the noise.

    They will advise you to deal with the matter yourself by either speaking with the tenant or taking the matter to the DFT.

    Under these circumstances it is extremely difficult for an individual to prove that the noise is actually causing an unreasonable disturbance.

    You would need to take into account the time of day, the type and duration of the noise, show how this noise affects your quality of life and where possible, record and measure the noise level.

    To measure noise levels you need special equipment and a specialist to use it.

    Most OC will tell you to call your council ranger or the local police to register a noise complaint, but neither of those authorities will act unless the noise can clearly be heard from the public street and is emitting from the premises after certain times, usually after midnight. Both authorities regard noise complaints as low priority and will only answer your noise complaint if they can get away fromtheir more urgent jobs.

    So, without OC support, you are virtually on your own.