
    In my case my neighbour plays music almost every day.

    I have recorded times he plays music but not the sound.Sometimes he plays music very loud other times not that loud but still annoying noise stops me doing what i need to do.

    Sometimes around 7:00,7:30 am which wakes me up,sometimes late at night.

    I have put proposal to EC to issue by-law where gatherings on the balconies and

    amplified noise(heard in another lot)  be prohibited and that by-law to be displayed on each floor.The main reason for that was to stop people whose lifestyle requires loud music or having get-together on the balcony  to  move in.

    The idea was that they become aware of this by-law before they move in.

    However, I am the only one affected and it did not go well.

    I am really surprised that something like noise that many people complain about (I know quite few) has no easy  way to be fix.