
    Good Afternoon Missy and Cosmo,

    Once again I am grateful to the quality advice Flat Chat contributors have provide to me. My sincere thanks.

    As, I’m sure is obvious, I am a novice in the ways of strata and really appreciate an avenue to “de-mystify” what I am told by our strata manager/s. Without wanting to become overly cynical, I have yet to see any proof that the strata manager is working on behalf of the owners – rather they are just an opportunity to “gross” up the deal.

    [Dudley has asked a question that opens up a whole other discussion – you will find that HERE -JT]

    I have obtained the tax return, as suggested in Missy’s post. However, I am unsure of our name – I guess it is Strata Plan XXXXX, but I do not know what address is the current address or address listed on previous tax returns. I haven’t contacted the strata manager for TFN, as you have gathered the relationship is strained.

    Would it be appropriate to complete the tax return – as far as possible – and at the AGM request the strata manager to give me/executive committee a copy of the previous tax return. My cynicism is on display here, I doubt that I will have much success with my request, given that all previous income tax preparation charges – indicated that they were charged by a third party – were refunded to the strata plan.