
    The Discussion Paper states amongst other things that:

    “It is not realistic or practical to develop a prescriptive list of window safety devices that are acceptable. Instead, window safety devices will be subject to a performance standard and will have to meet the requirements in the (National Construction Code•) NCC, as summarised below. We believe this ‘outcomes’ based approach is preferable.” 

    AND …

     “We (the State Government•) propose to amend the Act to compel Owners Corporations of residential strata buildings to install safety devices on all windows that present a safety risk to young children. Owners Corporations and their agents would be specifically empowered to enter residents’ units for this purpose and for maintenance when required. Owners Corporations would bear full responsibility for ensuring that window safety devices that meet the required standard are installed on every window in the Strata Scheme that poses a safety risk to young children. Owners Corporations would be able to arrange for all of the relevant windows in their scheme to be addressed at one time, which is likely to be at a lower per unit cost than if individual owners each acted alone”

     • my inclusions

    Submissions to the NSW State Government may be made to policy@services.nsw.gov.au before 21/04/2013; apart from the extra paperwork involved in me (as Secretary) keeping records of what’s installed where, and auditing that, I’m satisfied!